Honestly, I want to move on to 2 Chronicles but I can't because something's telling me that I need to say something about 1 Chronicles 29.
1 Chronicles 29, talks about David building the temple of God. As I translate it in a modern day term, David is building a church, the house of God.
Church played a significant role in our lives. It signifies that God exists, faith, and unity.
What role do you play in your church? Are you a church goer? Are you a church leader? When was the last time you go church? Why/Why not you go to church? How do you regard church or your church?
Basically, it is a structure wherein Christians would go in to praise, give thanks and say their prayers to God.
I remember when I was still young and attending my confirmation class.
Our pastor told us that church is not the building but the people or the congregation who gather and together worship God.
Recalling my younger Christian life, I was very active in church activities.
Choir, Praise and Worship Band, Leading Bible studies, Visitations, Sports-fest, etc. and I believed that there's nothing wrong with that. I really love what I'm doing.
My church (Wesley) is already more than a century old and I spent almost my entire Christian life there.
With the help of my church, I became better person in many ways and I'm grateful for that. Praise God!
After reading 1 Chronicles 29, it came to me and realized that what I've done were not enough and some I have taken for granted. :(
"Then King David said to the whole assembly: “My son Solomon, the one whom God has chosen, is young and inexperienced. The task is great, because this palatial structure is not for man but for the Lord God. 2 With all my resources I have provided for the temple of my God?gold for the gold work, silver for the silver, bronze for the bronze, iron for the iron and wood for the wood, as well as onyx for the settings, turquoise,[a] stones of various colors, and all kinds of fine stone and marble?all of these in large quantities. 3 Besides, in my devotion to the temple of my God I now give my personal treasures of gold and silver for the temple of my God, over and above everything I have provided for this holy temple: 4 three thousand talents[b] of gold (gold of Ophir) and seven thousand talents[c] of refined silver, for the overlaying of the walls of the buildings, 5 for the gold work and the silver work, and for all the work to be done by the craftsmen. Now, who is willing to consecrate themselves to the Lord today?”
6 Then the leaders of families, the officers of the tribes of Israel, the commanders of thousands and commanders of hundreds, and the officials in charge of the king’s work gave willingly. 7 They gave toward the work on the temple of God five thousand talents[d] and ten thousand darics[e] of gold, ten thousand talents[f] of silver, eighteen thousand talents[g] of bronze and a hundred thousand talents[h] of iron. 8 Anyone who had precious stones gave them to the treasury of the temple of the Lord in the custody of Jehiel the Gershonite. 9 The people rejoiced at the willing response of their leaders, for they had given freely and wholeheartedly to the Lord. David the king also rejoiced greatly. "-
1 Chronicles 29:1-9
David and his people rejoice and wholeheartedly devotes themselves building God's temple. God emphasized to me the word "building". He implied that it is a verb; a continuous process that never ends; if pertains to structure -- until the structure is destroyed.
I felt ashamed of myself and it struck me deeply, in-spite of every thing I've done, I realized that I was never really participated in any activity related in maintaining the church. Though I participated in some church cleaning activities but it cannot justify what I have take for granted every Sunday service:
- arranging the pews properly
- picking up some trash and putting it trash bins
- closing some opened cabinets
- arranging properly the wires and cables used for praise and worship, etc.
I'm not consistent doing the above things, just doing whenever I feel like it. :(
Lastly, I never put the church upgrades/repairs as my priority because I set myself apart to any kind of activity related to that. :(
Unfortunately, I'm no longer attending my Sunday service at Wesley instead my family is now attending our service to church wherein we were converted as Born Again. As I was making this blog, particularly typing the next words, God is telling me that I should go back to Wesley to make things right.
* teary eyed * I already prayed and tell God, that His will be done... Amen.
If you're reading this, pray for me for the continuous discernment. Thanks and God bless.
But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 15 We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as were all our ancestors. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. 16 Lord
our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a
temple for your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to
you. 17 I know, my God, that you test the heart
and are pleased with integrity. All these things I have given
willingly and with honest intent. And now I have seen with joy how
willingly your people who are here have given to you. 18 Lord,
the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel, keep these desires
and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever, and keep their hearts
loyal to you. - 1 Chronicles 29:14-18
God bless.. To God Be The Glory!
"Read your Bible, pray everyday, And you'll grow, grow, grow"
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Thank You and God bless.