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Morning Manna

If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all

Read more Isaiah 7

The Day of Disaster

I grew up in a Christian community. However, part of growing up I was able to acquire my family's traditions and beliefs, which I believed it was also passed to them by their ancestors.
At first, tradition and beliefs are seems okay as long as I'm not hurting myself or anyone. As I grow old, I started to asked question about it.

I can't remember if I already said this in my previous blogs, but when I became Born Again I told myself that I will not practice things I have been taught which is not written in the Bible. Then, when I got married and became a father, I declared to my mother, "Starting from my lineage, no more traditions and beliefs that are not written in the Bible".

I know somehow deep inside of my mother, she was hurt, but on the brighter side she is happy because she knows that I'm on the right path. It me, breaking the bondage of my family traditions  and beliefs.

I was reading Jeremiah 16, it was truly the day of disaster when the people behave more wickedly than their ancestor:

12 But you have behaved more wickedly than your ancestors. See how all of you are following the stubbornness of your evil hearts instead of obeying me. 13 So I will throw you out of this land into a land neither you nor your ancestors have known, and there you will serve other gods day and night, for I will show you no favor.’ - Jeremiah 16:12-13

It was around 4AM three days ago when I checked my Facebook page when one of the news feed caught my attention. The news was about "Refrocking" of a "UMC pastor who officiated son's gay wedding". I read the article and I find it disturbing for me.

Please read Article 1.
Please read Article 2.

I almost live my entire Christian life with Methodist community. I've known Christ and I become Christian because of them. Although, I'm not attending my Sunday worship with them anymore but I still consider myself part of their family. However, the content and image of the article, is not what I've been taught inside the church and was not the content of what I'm teaching during my time with them.

In the article, I believed that the pastor maybe acting by his heart as a father but not in his conscience. He is compromising his faith to his personal feelings as a father. The pastor chosed to sacrifice his faith instead of implementing what he was called to do. He could/would influence the people around him. This could/would be a day of disaster to his family, friends and to his church.

I'm also a father and this could be the toughest situation that I could experience. However, I know that by God's grace I can get through it and using the Bible as my basis.

What if he prayed to God with pure heart and (it may take sometime but) never give up to his son to do what is right based on the Bible. Then one day, in God's perfect time and by His grace, the pastor was able to convinced his son to go back to the way of Christ and not to follow the way of the world. Its more than a happy ending, a win (God) - win  (pastor) - win (son) situation for everyone. It was like a parable of the prodigal son. It was just my opinion.

I believed that there is always a blessing when you're obeying the right thing.

Abraham was also a father, he also love his only son Isaac, however, he never let his personal feelings get to him as a loving father to disobey God. When God saw Abraham's heart that he is true to his obedience, He bless him. (Genesis 22:15-18)

Obedience is better than sacrifice, it was said in 1 Samuel 15:22.

It is sad to say that gaining more knowledge and lack of wisdom, the world is redefining and redesigning what was originally and perfectly designed by our Creator.  There is only right or wrong, white or black and no gray area. When confusion arise, ask God for wisdom.

Lastly, the best thing we can do to the next generation is to train them the way they should go; even when they are old they will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Read your Bible and pray everyday and you'll grow, grow, grow..

To God Be The Glory.

 ~ If this post somehow helped or inspire you, please share your thoughts in the comment section ~
Thank You and God bless. 

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